Never To Be Forgotten

Michael 'Sledge' Varner - Sunrise 06/1962 - sunset 06/03/2022

Tyrone 'TE' Grear - sunset 10/2021

Randall 'Cuz' Knight - sunset 07/27/2021

Wilber "Motor City" Spearman- sunrise 09/30/1952 - sunset 03/05/2021

Henry 'Black Hawk' Crump - sunset 02/27/2021

Gloria J "Classy Glo" Smith- sunrise 06/10/1955 - sunset 2020

Jeffery "Kuju Menswa" Smith- sunrise 08/24/1959 - sunset 2020

Bernard "Big Papi" Reed  - sunrise 08/31/1949 - sunset 08/21/2019

Lisa "Mrs. Goldie" Goldsmith  - sunrise 1961- sunset 2017

John "Mr Toney" Toney - sunrise 08/25/1926 - sunset 11/21/2017

Michael "Creeper" McFadden - sunrise 05/24/55 - sunset 07/10/15

Michael "Iron Mike" Simpson - sunrise 05/30/56 - sunset 12/08/13

James "Mr. James" Woodard - sunrise 12/08/50 - sunset 12/11/09

Frances "Morning Star" Buckner  - sunrise 02/16/53 - sunset 08/14/11

Orlando "Big O" Simmons

Sadly missed along life’s way
quietly remembered every day.
No longer in our life to share
but in our hearts you’re always there.